What’s Up Wednesday
I’ve always loved blogs that offer writing prompts. Because to be honest, the hardest thing about blogging (for me) is coming up with something to say each day. I’ve been blogging for four and a half years now and I’m pretty sure I repeat myself at least once a week. Which might just be my old age. =) But my point is, I like answering questions so if there is anything you’ve ever wanted to know (besides my address…people have asked…seriously), feel free to leave it in the comments and I would love to answer!
Today I am linking up with Mix & Match Family for #whatsupwednesday. Because…writing prompts. =) So here goes nothing:
What we’re eating this week: OMG, I dread Mondays because it’s the day I do our grocery shopping. And it feels like Groundhog’s Day EVERY time because I get the SAME ol’ things each week. Every week I make my spicy pasta, talapia/rice/veggies, chicken/mashed potatoes /veggies, tacos or burritos. And then the rest of the week we kind of just wing it. I wish I could be one of those moms that have it together and meal prep everything for the whole week!
What I’m reminiscing about: WARM WEATHER. SUNNY SKIES. May gray is KILLING me.
What I’m loving: Right now I am obsessed with Soludos! My husband surprised me with two pair and I just bought myself a third pair! Get a sneak peek on my Instagram feed. BTW, I would definitely recommend sizing up. They run small.
What we’ve been up to: After the long holiday weekend, we all feel a little off schedule.
What I’m dreading: Appointments, appointments and more appointments. Even trips to the hair salon feel like a chore since I have to go so often to keep these greys covered. But this week I’ve also got a doctors appointment for a nagging issue (nothing serious) and it gets frustrating to go to the doctor/specialist, etc. and still have no answers.
What I’m working on: Um, I am scrambling to get these questions answered and my post up before midnight! Did I say I like writing prompts? Scratch that…I like answering ONE question at a time in detail. LOL.
What I’m excited about: I just joined The Bar Method! I’ve only gone twice but I am hooked!
What I’m watching/reading: The Bachelorette. OMG. I stopped watching The Bachelor after Brad Womack was the bachelor but somehow I got sucked back in last season. So of course I HAD to see who the bachelorette was. I liked both Britt and Kaitlyn but I’m happy Kaitlyn won. It most definitely looks like it’s going to be the #mostdramaticseasonever.
What I’m listening to: I honestly rarely listen to music anymore. I used to always listen to music in the car but now I prefer to chat with Eep the whole time. And on the rare occasion I am alone, I enjoy the silence. But the song I can’t get out of my head is “Sugar” by Maroon 5.
What I’m wearing: I figured I would give the deets on my outfit above for this one. I actually bought the jacket from a resale shop. It is Elizabeth & James and was originally $495 but I got it for less than $60! So even though it is a little big on me, I just couldn’t pass up the deal! The sunglasses (Mango), shoes (ASOS) and tank (Knot Sisters) are all old. The jeans are new but I’m not in love with them. They are my second pair from Madewell and I think I’ve finally figured out what bugs me about them. The jeans fit perfect everywhere else but the calves are baggy on me! Wonder if I could take them in to be tailored? Otherwise I LOVE the high waist on them. You can check them out here.
What I’m doing this weekend: Absolutely nothing. Hopefully.
What I’m looking forward to next month: My husband turns 50 (FIFTY) next month AND it’s our annual 4th of July parade. You can see pics from years past here, here & here.
What else is new: Not a whole heck of a lot. Summer is right around the corner and I am worried about how I am going to keep Eep entertained each day without school three days a week! Is anyone else SHOCKED at how fast this year has gone by?
P.S. Don’t forget to link up YOUR fashion related post below. The only requirement is that you must link back to The Stylish Housewife. I can’t wait to see what you’re wearing!
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*also linking up with The Pleated Poppy, Mix & Match Fashion and Because Shanna Said So.
May 27, 2015 @ 2:20 am
You look lovely! I seriously like this whole outfit from the moto jacket to the silver flats. I would wear that exact outfit right now.
May 27, 2015 @ 2:54 am
I love these jeans on you! And I’m obsessed with all things Bachelor/Bachelorette
May 27, 2015 @ 3:33 am
LOVE the idea of this – it’s so fun to hear more about your everyday life! And that jacket is amazing!!
May 27, 2015 @ 5:47 am
I love those silver flats! I dread the weekly grocery store trip too…Its logistically impossible to get in and out of the store in under an hour with 3 happy children. haha;)
May 27, 2015 @ 6:42 am
Fun learning a little more about you. My 7 year old is obsessed with Sugar – he can’t stop singing it.
Hope to see you Thursday for TBT Fashion link up.
May 27, 2015 @ 7:01 am
Yes the year is so flying by – and the jacket is awesome on your figure!!
May 27, 2015 @ 7:29 am
I love those little silver shoes! Must have indeed.I was planning to link up with mix.match too and forgot! Thank for the reminder.
May 27, 2015 @ 8:54 am
whoa, thought I was on the wrong blog LOL, Jeans, Flats and a Jacket is not usually a look I find here but you are rocking it. Truly love the look and sending you sunny warm thoughts. Love the insight as well. Thanks for sharing.
May 27, 2015 @ 10:28 am
Love your outfit, especially your shoes! I feel you I love writing prompts too & I always love seeing everyone’s answers to them. I’m also looking forward to better weather, it’s been pretty nice here the last few days, but it goes between cold & really hot & now we’re expecting severe thunderstorms! So crazy!
Crumbs & Curls
May 27, 2015 @ 10:54 am
Great outfit!! Thank you for hosting XO!
#LINKUPWITHLISA @ http://www.beauty101bylisa.com/2015/05/linkupwithlisa-18-yellow-blazer.html
May 27, 2015 @ 2:51 pm
I haven’t missed a season of Bachelor/Bacherloette! Not sure about this season, but of course I will keep watching!
Thanks for linking up with us for What’s Up Wednesday
Jun 01, 2015 @ 8:22 pm
I LOVE this look on you Jenn! This coat is amazing and I love hearing about what’s going on with you!
Wishes & Reality