lack of color hat

Every few years, I consider making the switch from Nikon to Canon. When I bought my first DSLR camera 6 or 7 years ago, I just went with Nikon because I was more familiar with the brand than I was with Canon. Then over the years, I discovered that Canon is much more user friendly [ Continue Reading … ]

As I’ve mentioned before, I very rarely make it to blogger events. Mostly because everything happens in downtown San Diego (which is close to an hour away from me…San Diego county is pretty huge) and I am in North County. But that is going to change in 2018. I feel like 2018 is the year [ Continue Reading … ]

A few weeks ago I had a photoshoot with Z Bella Photography. On our quest for cute locations for backdrops, we decided to stop by the Pannikin Coffee Shop in Leucadia. We got lucky because there is usually a line wrapped around the building and we somehow had the place pretty much to ourselves! I [ Continue Reading … ]

So I wore my tank backwards on purpose. The front is actually v neck and ruffled, but I liked the strappy look in front even better! You can see it worn the right way here. In other news, my son had all of last week off of school for “family week”. I never remember having [ Continue Reading … ]

A couple of weeks ago, I had the great pleasure of doing a photoshoot with Zemina of Z Bella Photography. I had seen her work over the years through several mutual friends but we had never officially met in person. We decided to meet at a local popular coffee shop and as soon as we [ Continue Reading … ]