
Black & Tan

Justfab Clothing Line June

Justfab Stud Tote

Justfab Shirt Dress

Lately I’ve been gravitating towards neutral colors…which is strange because in the summer months, I’m usually ALL about color. I mean, I even went with a dark color for my last pedicure! It might have something to do with this crazy weather we’ve been having. One minute it’s sunny & beautiful and the next we have thunder/lightening storms!

Outfit Details:
Cargo Shirt Dress c/o Justfab
Diego Tote c/o Justfab
Chasey Wedges c/o Justfab
Jcrew Panama Hat
Baublebar Collar Necklace
Michael Kors Runway Watch

P.S. Don’t forget to link up your fashion related post below! All I ask is that you link back to The Stylish Housewife in the post that you share. I can’t wait to see what you guys are wearing!

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* linking up with Shanna Said So & The Pleated Poppy.

4th of July Outfit Idea

Striped Jumpsuit

Olivaceous Jumpsuit

Swirl Boutique Jumpsuit

Swirl Boutique Halter Jumpsuit

Yesterday was our annual 4th of July parade (see pics below) and it is one of my favorite days of the year. For any of my new readers, we live in a very small rural community and every year we shut down the main road and decorate our tractors/bikes/horses and have a parade and then meet up at the local fire station for food, games and music. It is such a fun family tradition!

P.S. LOCAL FRIENDS: If you are still looking for the perfect 4th of July outfit, Swirl Boutique has got you covered! This striped jumpsuit is a showstopper and is ONLY $56! I’m also LOVING this striped off the shoulder number. Swirl has locations in San Clemente and Encinitas! NOT LOCAL? No worries! Swirl loves to ship (free shipping on orders over $100!). If you have any sizing questions, feel free to ask in the comments or you can call the store and the Swirl girls are super helpful!

Outfit Details:
Olivaceous Navy Striped Jumpsuit c/o Swirl Boutique (I’m wearing a medium / $56, Call 760-753-0870 to order!)
Cork Heels c/o Tommy Hilfiger
Bucket Bag c/o Justfab
T.J. MAXX Tassle Bracelet
Helen Ficalora Initial Necklace
Coordinates Necklace c/o Teressa Lane Jewelry

4th of July Parade



CAbi Palazzo Pants

CAbi Pebble Palazzo Pants

Forever 21 Crossbody Bag

These palazzo (or do we now just call them wide leg pants?) pants bring me back to the early 90’s and my days as a sales associate at Wet Seal. Palazzo pants and body suits were all the rage when I worked there. I also had a ditzy floral print wide leg jumpsuit and matching lace choker (of course) that used to be my favorite outfit. I sure wish I would have held on to that! I was a bongo jean, scrunchie and matching double sock selling machine! LOL. The only problem was that I used to spend my paychecks before I’d even get paid. Ahhhh, the memories!!! TGIF!!!

P.S. Is anyone else EXCITED that Big Brother is back?!?! I look forward to it every Summer! Can’t believe we are on season 17! Have you picked who you think will make it to the end yet?

Outfit Details:
MinkPink Tank
Pebble Pants c/o CAbi
Rebecca Minkoff Sava T Strap Sandals
Forever 21 Crossbody
Target Hat
Feather Bracelet & Necklace c/o Towne & Reese

Schutz Erlina Sandals

Palm Print Romper

Pamela Hannon Abalone Necklace

Swirl Boutique Palm Print Romper

I wore this romper in Palm Desert last weekend and was SO hot that I actually pulled my arms out of the sleeves and tied the sleeves up in the front so it looked like a strapless romper. 117 degree weather will make you do things like that! It really made a difference though, believe it or not!

On a TOTALLY unrelated note…I’m curious if any of my momma friends have taken your kids to see “Inside Out” yet? I thought the previews looked cute/funny so I took Eep* to see it yesterday. I was really disappointed. I’ve been pretty good about watching “G” rated movies for the most part with him and the “PG” cartoons that we have seen, only had things that were funny to adults but completely went over the kids heads. But this movie was just a real downer from beginning to end. And definitely not an age appropriate movie for “my” almost 5 year old (IMHO). The kids behind us were also upset that the characters were calling each other “stupid” and “morons”, etc. I guess my mom guilt is just kicking in, having let him watch something that was supposed to be a fun trip with momma to the movies but left us both feeling melancholy! =( Am I alone on this one?

Outfit Details:
Olivacious Palm Print Romper via Swirl Boutique
Schutz Erlina Sandals
Abalone Necklace c/o Pamela Hannon Designs
Urban Outfitters Crossbody Bag (not shown – similar)

Don’t forget to link up your fashion related post below! Please also be sure to link back on your post to The Stylish Housewife. Thanks so much and I can’t wait to see what you’re wearing!

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Linking up with: Because Shanna Said So & The Pleated Poppy & Mix & Match Fashion.
*Eep is my son’s nickname on the blog.

Rock & Republic Camo Shorts

Rachel Zoe Peasant Blouse

Camo Shorts

BaubleBar Choker

I meant to post yesterday but we had such a great weekend in Palm Desert celebrating my husband’s 50th birthday (a week early) that I never got around to taking any outfit pics for the blog. And then we came home on Sunday and had a BBQ with my family to celebrate Father’s Day so blog pics were just not in the cards this weekend! And you know what…the internet was still right here waiting for me when I finally opened up my computer Monday morning! =) Summer got me like…what blog?! LOL.

P.S. You can always find me on Instagram and Snapchat at @stylishhwife.

Outfit Details:
Rachel Zoe Blouse c/o Piperlime
Rock & Republic Camo Shorts
BaubleBar Metal Collar Necklace
Michael Kors Runway Watch
Crossbody Bag c/o dressbarn
Rebecca Minkoff Sava T Strap Sandals